Hello World! Aiko makes a fishing rod using a branch, string, and squid (very minecrafty)! She then suffers through the heat and allergies to catch the cute zarigani (crayfish).
Hello World! Aiko makes a fishing rod using a branch, string, and squid (very minecrafty)! She then suffers through the heat and allergies to catch the cute zarigani (crayfish).
Hello World! Aiko visits her ojiisan’s (Grandpa’s) vegetable garden, where he grows soramame (broad bean), naganegi (leek), piiman (green pepper), naganegi (onion), kyuuri (cucumber), suica (watermelon), okura (okura) and jagaimo (potato).
Hello World! Aiko tries out an assortment of Japanese candy and snacks, from Pocky to toilet candy.
Hello World! A lot of people think school in Japan is tough and there’s a lot of homework. Here’s a quick video showing what homework can be found in the backpack of a third grade elementary school student in Tokyo. There’s Kanji, reading, math, and even cleaning shoes.