LWIF EP126: The Manila Commute

When I talked to friends and the Life Where I’m From community about going to the capital city of the Philippines, Manila, many warned me about the traffic. One community member even offered to show me her commute, so of course, I jumped at the opportunity. Thanks to Dashlane for sponsoring the video. Try Dashlane Premium free for 30 days at www.dashlane.com/life and use the coupon code ‘life’ to get 10% off Dashlane Premium. At first I thought, oh yeah, everyone complains about their area’s drivers, and the congestion is bad, and you know, here it’s the worst. But after…

LWIF X EP45: How to Onsen in Japan

In this video I answer some basic first-timers questions about how to go to an onsen (hot spring) or a sento (public bath) in Japan. Thanks to Ibaraki TV who invited us and sponsored our visit. To learn more about Ibaraki, please visit: Kanko Ibaraki https://english.ibarakiguide.jp/ Ibakira TV https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwC9T9FeeodpcWlBvdzt0TQ/featured The two ryokans I visited in Ibaraki were: Tsukuba Onsen Tsukuba Grand Hotel https://tsukuba-grandhotel.co.jp/ Toshimaya Tsukihama no Yu https://www.tukihama.co.jp/ Sources Natural hot spring scandal and onsen rules https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2004/08/14/national/onsen-know-what-youre-getting-into/#.XJM66Sgzb8A What is an onsen http://www.jph-ri.or.jp/kenko_f/onsen_english/contents/onsentowa.html More about secluded hot springs and circulation technology https://www.hitou.or.jp/en/spateaching/spateaching01.html Kanji that’s good to know https://tattoo-friendly.jp/faq/ History of tattoos…

LWIF EP125: Japan’s Body Image Gym

So I found out about this special gym in Japan by one of my viewers, who said it was unlike anything he’s seen before in North America. Instead of focusing on only body fitness, it also does fashion, hair styling, and make-up. Not only that, it also acts as a kind of social club. I seriously had a very hard time editing this video, because everyone was so positive about the experience and it felt like I was making a giant ad for the place. But as you know, I always disclose sponsorships, and this is not a sponsored video.…

LWIF EP123: Making Hoshi-imo at a Japanese Sweet Potato Factory

We visit Namegata’s Farmer’s Village in Ibaraki to make dried sweet potatoes (hoshi-imo) in a school that was converted into a working sweet potato factory as well as a museum. Thanks to Ibaraki TV who invited us and sponsored our visit. To learn more about Ibaraki, please visit: Kanko Ibaraki Ibakira TV What’s a Farmer’s Village like where you’re from?

LWIF EP122: Why Foreigners Have Difficulty Renting in Japan

In a recent survey by the Japanese Ministry of Justice, it was found that 4 out of 10 foreign residents in Japan have been refused tenancy because they were a foreigner. In this video, we explore why it’s so hard for foreigners to rent in Japan. Special Thanks! David Chart https://www.patreon.com/mimusubi/ Erica Kyde & Eric https://www.youtube.com/user/kepsux John Daub https://www.youtube.com/user/ONLYinJAPANWAORYU Kanagawa Housing Support Center for Foreigners http://sumasen.com/ (they have very helpful renting in Japan guides you can download) Taka from Tokyo Best Realtors http://www.tokyobestapartment.com/ Sources: Japan Ministry of Justice Foreign Residents Survey 2016 http://www.moj.go.jp/content/001249011.pdf https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/31/japan-racism-survey-reveals-one-in-three-foreigners-experience-discrimination http://www.davidchart.com/2016/11/02/experiences-of-racism-in-japan/ http://www.davidchart.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/kawasaki-interviews-on-discrimination.pdf http://www.davidchart.com/2015/05/27/racism-in-japan/ http://www.davidchart.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Discrimination-in-Kawasaki.pdf https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/12/25/national/japan-approves-steps-help-make-life-easier-foreign-workers/#.XFd951wzZPa Leopalace 21…