We asked five Japanese families to show us what’s inside their fridges and made a list of the most common ingredients. See the typical food found in a Japanese fridge plus what the ingredients are used for.
We asked five Japanese families to show us what’s inside their fridges and made a list of the most common ingredients. See the typical food found in a Japanese fridge plus what the ingredients are used for.
What do Japanese people really eat for dinner? My sister-in-law and I asked Japanese families to share their real, everyday dinners with us.
I recently made a video about what a typical Tokyo neighbourhood is like and needed a few Japanese related clip art to illustrate what I was talking about.
Today we meet Sakai-san, who has run his sento (public bath) in Tokyo for 62 years.
What do Japanese people really eat for lunch? My sister-in-law and I asked Japanese families to share their real, every day, lunches with us.
Ever since I made a mini-doc on what owning a ramen restaurant in Japan is like, I’ve thought, “How much money do ramen shops make?” In Japan, ramen isn’t a really expensive food and the owners of independent shops work long hours: so is all the work worth it?
I find that most people who visit Japan comment on how clean it is. How does Japan Keep Clean?
If you’ve seen my videos about Japan, you may have wondered why it looks the way it does. Today I’m going to explain it through zoning.
Previously we showed you what some frozen grocery store meals were like. This time we’re trying out a healthy frozen meal delivery service.
If you were to move to a typical neighbourhood in Tokyo, what would it be like? How would you get around? What would you see and do? Today I’ll take you around Shin-Koiwa station.