LWIF EP136: Why Japan Isn’t Cutting Down Enough of its Trees

Visit https://teamtrees.org and lets get some trees planted! #teamtrees I started off making this nice video about how Japan got its forests back through afforestation. Then I did too much researching on the Internet and came to the conclusion that Japan should be chopping down some of its trees. Trust me, it’ll all make sense once you watch the video… I hope.

LWIF EP135: Japan: Where Gods Aren’t Gods and Worshipers Aren’t Religious

Have you ever wondered about all the gates (torii) you see around Japan? They are entrances to the sacred ground of Shinto shrines (jinja). While some might see Japan’s traditional practices of Shinto as a religion, and their various kami as gods, it’s not quite as simple as that. Special thanks to David Chart for explaining the ins and outs of Shinto. Find out more about Shinto on his blog at https://www.mimusubi.com/ and support his writing on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/mimusubi.

LWIF EP134: Trying to Eat ALL of Japan’s Frozen Treats

I wanted to show all the variety of Japanese ice cream and other frozen desserts that you can get at the supermarket. Unfortunately, I’m bad at math, and didn’t comprehend that eating 53 treats would take a long time to do, but it would also make a LONG video. After many failed attempts at shortening this beast of a project, it’s still just shy of 50 minutes long. For all you frozen treat lovers, I hope you enjoy the dedication. My waistline sure did!